NAHTF Board Members

Jay Ball

Jay Ball

Retired electrical engineer; long-time resident of Natick  (62 years; ) Town Meeting  Member (28 years); former Selectman (9 years); member of NAHTF since inception (12 years)

I love and want to preserve the diverse character of Natick: ergo, there must be housing available for people of diverse means to purchase. Replacement of existing moderately-priced homes by $1M-plus houses is reducing income diversity, squeezing out homeowners of moderate means. It’s also burdening schools: bigger houses invite buyers with more kids, and an additional bedroom’s incremental RE taxes don’t begin to cover the educational costs (>$16K) of an additional child!

Also – kids who go to college, then want to return and live in the town where they grew up often can’t afford to live here!  My kids couldn’t!


Ganesh Ramachandran (Chair)

Ganesh Ramachandran AICP, LEED AP, is Planner and an Urban Designer with over 25 years of experience. Period to public service, Ganesh has led a wide range of award-winning initiatives in campus planning, citywide comprehensive plans, downtown revitalization plans, public housing redevelopment, and transit-oriented development in more than 30 towns and municipalities in the US, Middle East, China, and India. Ganesh co-chairs the Housing Committee for the Boston Society for Architecture.

Trained as an architect from the National Institute of Technology, India, Ganesh has graduate degrees in Urban Design, and Public Administration from the University of California at Berkeley, and the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Glenn Kramer (Vice Chair)

Glenn Kramer has represented a wide range of commercial clients, from single member LLCs and individual employees or contractors to national banks and international insurance companies. He counsels clients about general business matters and assists with the development and financing of renewable energy projects and housing and mixed-use developments. Glenn is the Attorney Representative on the Natick Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board and is an advisor to FIDO of Natick, Inc.

Randy Johnson

Randy Johnson Charter Member (2008 – present) Randy Johnson is the senior partner at the Natick-based Resolution Architects, whose primary emphasis is multi-family affordable housing. A registered architect since 1983, projects include the redevelopment of Salem Towers in Malden, MA, which received the nationally awarded Charles L. Edson Senior Housing Tax Credit Project of the Year. In addition to architecture, he has developed tax credit financed affordable housing in Worcester, MA. Mr. Johnson has an A.B. from Harvard College and a M. Arch from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Prior to serving on the Trust, he was a member of the Natick Conservation Commission for 19 years.

Gonzalo Puigbo

Gonzalo J. Puigbo is the Chief Executive Officer of Somerville Community Corporation. He brings a unique combination of corporate and community experience with an entrepreneurial and inclusive spirit and a mission to help low-income families to achieve financial independence via homeownership, workforce development, financial literacy, education, community organizing and leadership initiatives.

 Gonzalo began his career in banking, where he developed his passionate skills to help families bridge the difficulties of obtaining financing for homeownership, by helping minority and low-income families obtain mortgage financing. He moved up the ranks from Loan Officer to New England Regional Manager, by choosing a Servant Leadership style in which he placed his clients and colleagues above the needs of the individual. Gonzalo loves visiting his second home in Cape Cod during the Summer and travel with his wife and kids all over the world.

Sue Crossley

Sue Crossley is a retired Executive Director with more than 40 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. She has served vulnerable populations throughout her career and is passionate about the need for affordable housing of choice in our communities. She founded a nonprofit in PA that created housing choice for people with disabilities, opened the first Safe Haven in the state of CT for individuals who were chronically homeless and led Family Promise Metrowest during a time of growth and the challenges of COVID. She lives in Natick and is excited about the opportunity to serve her local community.

Kathryn Coughlin

Kathryn M. Coughlin serves as the Chair of Natick's Select Board, as a town meeting representative from Precinct 2, and previously served on the Zoning Board of Appeals. She has extensive experience in academia and non-profits, and was the Executive Director of the Islamic Studies Program at Harvard. Kathryn left Harvard in 2016 and purchased a fine wine store, which she sold in 2021, in order to work full-time in public service. Kathryn volunteers in a number of capacities in Natick and in the greater Metrowest region.

Reginald Leese

Reginald Leese retired in 2022 following a 35-year career primarily in commercial real estate finance at commercial banks and asset management companies, including Citizens Bank and BlackRock Financial Management.  Reggie was involved in all aspects of loan, security and portfolio management, security selection, overall risk management and asset resolution.   Clients included domestic and international financial institutions, such central banks, insurance companies, hedge and debt funds and real estate owners and operators.  Born in the UK and graduate of the University of Leicester, England and Babson College, Reggie is a 35-year resident of Natick and is currently a town meeting member representing precinct 10.

David Fishman

David is the Deputy Chief Investment Officer for a bond manager in Boston and focuses on the commercial mortgage market.  David has lived in Natick for 20 years, and has served on Town Meeting in the past.  Together with his wife, Luaren they have three kids.   In his free time he likes to ski and golf.