Lets work together!


Attend a meeting

Attend a meeting - The Natick Affordable Housing Trust meets on a monthly basis and the Trust welcomes the input from the public. Monthly agenda’s can be found on the town’s website.

Join the Board

The board consists of no less than 5 Trustees appointed by the Select Board for two-year terms. The Trust seeks to attract a wide range of affordable housing advocates knowledgeable in the fields of real estate development, law, banking, financial, construction, architecture and public relations.

Trustees are expected to attend monthly meetings and to actively participate in Trust initiatives and advocacy. The administrative duties of the Trust are supported by staff from the Natick Department of Community & Economic Development.

Support our next effort

Support public policy solutions at the local, state and national level. Vote for legislative initiatives that support more housing choices and the production of housing that is affordable. Initiate conversations with family, friends and neighbors about the societal benefits of providing high quality and stable affordable and workforce housing in the community. Bringing people of various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds together makes a community richer and more satisfying for its residents.