House Bill H1655
House Bill H1655: An Act Relative to Relief for the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Spearheaded by Jay Ball and sponsored by Representatives David Linsky and Sarah Peake, the Trust worked to pass state legislation that would exempt Affordable Trusts from certain municipal procurement requirements, including prevailing wage and high levels of insurance coverage, that made developing and maintaining low and moderate income housing projects inordinately expensive and difficult.
Real Estate Transfer Fee
After efforts to make Natick one of the Commonwealth’s many Community Preservation Act (CPA) communities failed, the Trust saw a Real Estate Transfer Fee as the next best option to generate revenue for affordable housing. Ultimately, the measure to create a Home Rule Petition for this program was not supported by Town Meeting. Currently, the Trust is supporting a state-wide initiative for the Transfer Fee.
Housing Production Plan
A Housing Production Plan (HPP) is a community's proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing by creating a strategy to enable it to meet its affordable housing needs in a manner consistent with the Chapter 40B statute and regulation
Link to 2012 Housing Production Plan
2020 Housing Production Plan to be released by Jan 2021